Protracted night
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, That, ye shall weep and lament, but the
world shall rejoice: and ye shall
be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy.” John 16 vs 20
Jesus admonished his disciples that a time of trials, persecution, challenges
are certain but, in those times, and no matter how long it lingers, morning
must surely come—a moment of joy and laughter. Little wonder Psalm 30 vs 15b
assured us that Joy will some in the morning. No matter how long the challenges,
issues, vicissitudes of life prolong, one thing is sure, since it has a
beginning, there is an end to it. It can’t and won’t be forever. So do not be
dismayed or succumb to your present challenges but see it as a stepping stone
to the next level God has planned and purposed for you. I will to close this
short ministration with the poem below, I trust God that His Spirit will
elucidate the meaning to you and use it to encourage your Spirit not to give
Protracted Night
I looked through the windows of
Craving passionately for a
streak of light
Eyes of hope dim with every tick
Of my dearly beloved clock of
Like an old granny sucked out of
An once beauty that glows and
burns without
So was it, my vision when it
But what became of it, its
mystery can not be demystified
The beacon of my resolve has
become moss
Faith, so firm was it before the
journey commence
What is it now? Only darkness
could tell...
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